Sunday 18 December 2016

A tale of “Kataar”

Image result for pics of peple holding new  notes

“Hey don’t cross the line stand behind me everyone standing here patiently why are you being impatient?” Stalin said

Ritesh turned back and looked behind everyone was staring at him as if he utters a single word people will not only throw him out of this line but out of this city. He silently came back and adjusted himself behind Stalin. Ritesh was cursing the guy who has stopped him and raised the issue in front of every one. He was depressed, disappointed and feeling embarrassed. He looked around everything looks perfect people were standing patiently, waiting for their turn…he thought to argue with the guy who has stopped him but certainly he resisted himself. “no not him doesn’t look like an Indian he may resist and there could be legal action against him.”

Stalin turned back “Sorry I have shouted at you. Dear! Imagine the scene if everyone does the same. you and I won’t be able to get in the ATM zone. Don’t worry it won’t take much time we will be in the E-Zone within one and half hour.

Ritesh: No problem thanks

Ritesh in frustration muttered “What was the need to experiment with the economy and the life of common man? There was no planning before this demonetization drive. Everyone is suffering. There is chaos among people. who are standing in queues? Only common man is suffering.
It’s my money, my hard-earned money Government has no right to stop me from enjoying my money in any form. He felt relaxed now.

Stalin turned back and smiled” how many people are you seeing, crying here and where is chaos it’s in our mind Brother.

Stalin” Hi this is Stalin I am working for National Geographic in London this is my third time in India.
Ritesh “Oh! Great my self Ritesh I am working for an Infrastructure sector firm as a Sr. Manager. My office is nearby in Connaught Place, New Delhi.  

Stalin: My visits to India have always been challenging last time I came here when people were on the streets and protesting against government’s ignorance on women safety. There was a rape case registered in New Delhi.

Ritesh: yes, it was Nirbhaya rape case.

Stalin: yeah! Next time there was the protest related to some corruption issue. But you know, important is people like to express their self and most important is even if it is against the government they have provided with adequate security to protest. You know that is beauty of democracy, you guys enjoy. You know I have visited twelve odd countries and most of my trips were related to work. But really, I didn’t find a single country where people enjoy such a beautiful form of freedom not even those countries who claim to be paradise of Earth.  

Ritesh: Yeah! Democracy is fine but you see there are lot of poor people. A big section is still marginalized. And over and above these nonsense decisions are making their life miserable.
Stalin: There are only fifty odd people before us, Cheers! You know, before coming to India I was in Japan. I’s very beautiful place and so are Japanese. I was seeking permission to shoot a short documentary on waste management for that, I happened to meet a government officer. We had lunch together and during after lunch walk we were passing through a garbage bin near to office road. I had noticed it was overflow and some of it scattered around it. I thought to take a pic of that bin but officer urged me to wait and he picked up a poly bag and wrapped it on his hand and I was astonished to see he himself collected all waste and dumped into that bin. Meanwhile I took a pic when he was arranging the garbage bin. You know that single 3 MB pic better explains whole waste management film. I have included that as a part of my presentation. 
You know a country becomes what the countrymen really want it to be. No government can function and even implement a single decision without full support of people. After cleaning that garbage bin the officer came back to me with a smile and asked me to take pic now. I have noticed an emotion of satisfaction and sense of relief on his face. It seems as if he was responsible for cleaning of that garbage bin.
Ritesh was quiet and getting the point staling tried to put in front of him.
Stalin: Last time I visited India people were fighting against corruption they were led by an old man who was on hunger strike for a law against corruption.
Ritesh: Yes, he is Annna Hazare a socialist.

Stalin: how can I forget him? I had shoot some videos of that protest for National Geographic. That was the time when people were against corruption and now most of the opposition parties openly supporting corruption by speaking against demonetization. It’s indirect support.
Ritesh: No! they are raising common man’s concern and problems.

Stalin: As you were some time back. When you chose to stand in front, without giving a single thought of the people standing in line.

Stalin: See I don’t want make you feel bad but that’s the truth. Most of the parties who are raising the so called common man concern are they not running their states. Why don’t they go back and correct the situation rather than protesting in Delhi. Which is not even in their jurisdiction. See I know and can see all this politics but you can’t. we are bound of our stereotypes we need t cme out of it to recognize the reality.

Stalin: you know Ritesh, most of these big decisions bring lot of change in present system. Sometimes we don’t see all of them or might not able to recognize the hidden value in them. I f you go through history you would find many countries have fought against corruption not only monetary but also systemic. People of those countries have found their political leaders were indulged into corruption they have fought but they could not remove them and lots of them have sacrificed their life. You guys are lucky your leadership is strong and transparent you no need to fight against corruption they are fighting on behalf of you. In return they need you just to stand in queue for 1-2 hour a week or so.

Ritesh: smiled softly

Stalin: You see Brazilians were on streets against Dilma Rousseff. I have been to Brazil it’s nice place to visit.  I t has lot of potential to grow and have good amount of natural resources but their political leadership is corrupt and people are paying for it.

Your dear neighbor Pakistan “with a smile ‘’ has same problem of corrupt and weak leadership and people are suffering. Don’t you know Mahatma Gandhi fought for non-payment of tax on Salt in a way it was small decision, not to pay tax on salt. But later it became Dandi March only after whole India whole hearty supported it. ‘’I am a big fan of Gandhi’’ Stalin Said.

Stalin: Hey man look at line we are next getting into SBI E- Zone. I have almost helped you to pass your time in this what you say “Kataar’’. Stalin Smiled….

Both entered together in SBI E- Zone. And came out with fresh pink notes in hand.

Stalin: By the way Ritesh, “Pink colour represents universal love of oneself and of others “Good Bye
Ritesh: reciprocated with a smile.

Written By:  Ankit Dwivedi

Sunday 4 December 2016

A day without “CASH”

Everyone discussing demonetization of 1000 and 500 rupee notes. Media as usual got its bread and butter as 60 -70% of their time space is captured by easy news content on demonetization. I am not surprised to see the people’s reaction given the idea is celebrated by each media house and all parties. The opposition had definitely tried their best to oppose the demonetization by raising the people’s concern in and out of parliament and politicize the issue, but they couldn’t dare to openly oppose the bold step taken by the Modi government. Given that the 86% of currency notes have immediately been flushed out of the cash based economy after 1000 and 500 notes have been declared illegal tender on 8th Nov’16, which made significant impact on Indian economy. It would be impartial to say that demonetization would only bring positive results.
We must understand that the roots of this problem mostly persist in unorganized sectors of economy which are driven by cash. I won’t say all business in unorganized sector possess unaccounted money but mostly do have lot of it and that’s the reason they are not willingly shifting towards transparent accounting of day to day cash in and out. Their stringent behavior and habit of earning thick profits are dragging down our tax collections and indirectly per ca pita income. It would not be justified to judge recent announcements from RBI and policy changes done by Government of India and certainly incorrect to say it is inhuman or not populist. If cautiously examine recent incidents we can understand the intentions and long term impact of demonetization. I am seeing this is a baby step towards cash less transaction and shifting our unorganized sector towards organised and promoting cash less business. This movement towards cash less economy will only be successful when all parties speak in a single voice. GOI took good decision when they decided to approve a committee of chief ministers, who will analyse the current scenario and would assist GOI on implementation of further steps to eradicate the cash based system and unaccounted money. Previous governments have narrowed our views and understanding of populist decision. Main opposition Congress believes only on pampering and distributing of money to the poor class which has adversely impacted our economy and pushed inflation into the system.

The success of this decision will not only have financial benefits but also widen our thinking and change the view of political parties towards idea of populist decisions. I am seeing that India is ready to accept any change which brings transparency into the system and irradiate poverty.

Sunday 14 August 2016


                                         राष्ट्र भक्ति 

है जश्न- ऐ -आजादी छाई हर ओर , इस राष्ट्र भक्ति मे ओत प्रोत हर रोम रोम ।
जय हिन्द की सरगम कर रही धूम,   झूमती  ये धरा नाचता ये व्योम ॥

हर्ष है   उल्लास है    पर देश भक्त क्यों उदास है।
वो सोचता है, ढूढ़ता है, और फिर निरुत्तर प्रश्नों को  पूछता है

हर गली  हर सड़क आज तिरंगे से सजते है पर क्यों नहीं लाल चौक पर जय हिन्द के नारे लगते  है ?

है गरीबी भुखमरी भी बढ़ी  है , पर क्यू एम्फेसिस ग्रोथ रेट पर ही है?

है कॉर्पोरेट कल्चर कही,... पर पानी नहीं करने को एग्रीकल्चर कही?

कभी सोचता हू...
रह न जाये ये  दिवस मात्र राष्ट्र की स्वतंत्रता का,
चलो मिलकर मिटाये अँधियारा  एक राष्ट्र भक्त के प्रगति मार्ग का।।

~~ अंकित द्विवेदी 

Sunday 24 July 2016

Dilemma of Dharm 

Dharma is a word which is most discussed by the people who doesn’t even understand and may not be able to codify it for the well being of common people. The reason is quite simple and clear, their bread and butter are dependent on our ignorance.  Various definitions of Dharma mentioned in Vedas and other Upanishads all leads to one “Dharma is which is indicated by Vedas as conducive to the highest good”. Therefore, Dharma embraces every type of righteous conduct covering every aspect of life essential for the sustenance and welfare of the individual and society. It also includes those rules which guide and enable those who believe in God and heaven to attain Moksha.

Dharma has wider definition and covers all righteous actions that should be conducted by a human being.  Reality of dharma is far away from our imagination it also has hidden relation with karma (deeds). In Mahabharata while being asked about Dharma, Dharmaraj Yudhisthir explained...

“It is most difficult to define Dharma.

Dharma has been explained to be that which helps the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma. The learned Rishis have declared that which sustains is Dharma. “ (Santhi Parva 109-9-11)

We have always been confused Dharma with Religion. Religion word does not even exist in any holy scripture. Religion is derived from Latin word “religo” which means good faith...that’s it. This word is misunderstood by many any... misused by many, when a good faith corrupted an ancient and oldest believe no one knows. If I talk about Hinduism, you believe me it would be impossible to find this word in any holy book.  Religion is western concept and Indian concept doesn’t support the theory of “ism” since long back Indians are practicing Sanatan Dharm.

“Religion is a Western concept; the Indian concept is neither religion nor even Hinduism nor any ‘ism’ — it is Sanatana Dharma, the eternal law of the universe, which cannot be formulated in any rigid and final set of tenets.”— Michel Danino

I see a Hindus are the victim of a bigger conspiracy which took them far away from Sanatan Dharma and they found themselves trapped in the Hinduism which is not fully belongs to them, which is not related to Dharma (A righteous deed). We are confused between Dharma and rituals, we must understand that Dharm is Sanatan but on the other hand rituals can be modified with time. The dilemma is once you misunderstood Dharma and compares it with Religion, it results into garbage how could a constant equate with the variable?

The concept of infinity and multiple ways to reach towards Truth is Sanatan Dharm Hindus have always enjoyed this freedom. Where many other religion talks about monotheistic nature of religion, Hinduism does not fit in neatly into the monotheistic model of religion. The so-called religions of India are not religions but ways of cultivating Dharma They are to recognize Dharma, the underlying Universal Truths, and to build our life and culture around them. Jain, Buddha, Sikh etc. are spiritual lineages, based on the teachings of one or a several enlightened people.

There are many rituals, customs and practices in each Parampara. Some are purely cosmic some are easy, some tougher than other but the path of genuine seeker is toughest and not everyone has courage to walk on that and find truth, most of us are silent followers. Our ancestors (Rishis and Tapasvees) were the seeker and they compiled all their findings in Vedas and other religious holy books. A teacher can share his or her understanding of the truth; and means and ways for others to access this; but there is no underlying belief that only one such way exists. These ideas find clear expression as far back as the Rig Veda, with its famous quotation:

Rig Veda explains “While the truth is one, wise describes it in different ways”

~~~Ankit Dwivedi

Thursday 23 June 2016

Will it Brexit or Bremain?

The economy of European Union generates a GDP of euro 14 tn which makes it second or the largest economy of the world. Source IMF. With Euro 2.5tn United Kingdom is the second largest economy of EU after Germany and fifth largest economy in the world. Sterling is the 3rd largest reserve currency in the world after USD and EURO.
As a member of the EU, the UK is bound to numerous EU-wide trade and market policies. The majority of the EU trade policies have been beneficial for UK, despite the proportion of the country's exports going to the EU falling from 54 % to 47 % over the past decade. The total value of exports however has increased in the same period from £130 billion (€160 billion) to £240 billion.
After 2016 first quarter result of UK’s economy left analyst and people in topsy-turvy situation. U.K. industrial growth is slowed down and GDP growth boiled down to 0.4% in first quarter which is 0.6% lower than fourth quarter. This down fall is facilitated by 0.9% and 0.4% fall in construction and industrial output respectively. The ray of hope is UK’s service sector which grew by 0.6% and contributes more than 78% in GDP nos. Brexit may not have long term impact on service sector majorly on financial services but would definitely have short term impact, as most of the firms could delay their investment.
No one is sure what would be the final call but if we analyze some of the reports and surveys conducted by prestigious media houses or consulting firms we could get some glimpse about the future of UK’s financial service sector. According to The city UK and PwC survey report if Brexit happens, Britain could lose up to 100,000 jobs in financial space by 2020. It would lead to loss of Euro 12bn sector’s contribution towards UK’s GDP. In present scenario most of the firms enjoy cross border passport service to serve their client which will not happen after Brexit and could increase the cost of service.
I see most of British were always in favor of Brexit. In 2005, more than half (55%) of the UK were against adopting the single currency (EURO), while 30% were in favor.  “In 2007 when the British Prime MinisterGordon Brown, pledged at the time to hold a public referendum based on certain tests he set as Chancellor of the Exchequer. When assessing the tests, He ruled out membership for the foreseeable future, saying that the decision not to join had been right for the UK and for Europe. Public opinion polls have shown that a majority of Britons have been opposed to joining the single currency for some considerable time and this position has now hardened further”. Source: the balance of EU competency review
Last but not least “there are informed guessing based on past and present voting knowledge Leave voters comprise older Britons who are more likely to vote than young voters who are pro remain. A low turnout will favor leave and a high turnout Remain. Scotland and Northern Ireland will vote for remain and middle England will vote for leave. London will definitely vote for Remain because of its cosmopolitan nature. “Source: The Hindu

What your guess? J

~~~~Ankit Dwivedi

Saturday 4 June 2016


जब    गिरा   है  उठा है,      बढ़ा    है   तू 
हर  ठोकर  पर न  हार  कर थका  है तू । 
जिस डगर जिस गली जिस मोड़ पर बड़ा है तू 
हर दम ऐ साहसी, कुछ तो बदला  है तू ।।  

कभी  थी चुनौती  बड़ी कभी  थी राह भी नहीं 
थी  आँधियाँ थी कभी, गम के पहाड़ भी कई ।  
खोया  बहुत  छोड़ा  बहुत पर  न रोया  है तू 
ना  डर, ना  हार, ना मन मारकर बैठा है तू । । 

फिर सोचता हु, कि थी अद्रयश्य शक्ति, कुछ तेरी भक्ति 
जिस  पर  सवार,  बढ़ता  चला  है  तू । 
पर आज क्यू मन कुछ उदास कुछ परेशान  है 
ढूढ़ता क्यों उसे जो दूर बहुत दूर कही विराजमान है।।

लिखित ::अंकित द्विवेदी 

Sunday 8 May 2016

Don’t worry about your city’s pollution

Don’t worry about your city’s pollution

Need is the mother of all business and success is assured if you nail it at right time.  But never thought the need would be this, China definitely a leading world economy and a hub of manufacturing industry would need clean air from Australia Oh! Yes you are reading it correctly an Australian firm Clean & Green Air which is supplying atmospheric air of various tourist places of Australia has been acquired by Chinese firm. China has flourished and now suffered due to huge manufacturing setups and nearly 1.6M people died in a year due to bad air quality and related deceases.

Clean and Green Air supplies various atmospheric air products by the name of the place itself (ref. Pic1). These bottles are made of disposable material and contain sufficient air for 150-160 deep breath. Each bottle cost average $18 which is good amount to sustain this business, the thriving demand of product bound Chinese firm to go for the acquisition of Clean and Green Air .Firm has also initiated its production in New Zealand. Company’s target markets are the places and cities where air quality is bad and people have enough paying capacity for this luxury product.  

By: Ankit Dwivedi

Sunday 21 February 2016

                                                                    देसी इंटरप्रे न्योर

जिंदगी रफ़्तार मांगती मन तो बस इतवार मांगता।
आगे बढ़ने की चाह में घर को पीछे छोडता हू 

चलना  तो है,,, उड़ना भी है....  पर छूट न जाए दिल कही पीछे बस यही सोचता हु 
हु नासमझ . . २  पंघी का घर घोसला है आसमा तो मन का सुकून है बस 

देखा  भी है सुना भी है कहता समाज जिन्हे टाटा , बिड़ला या अम्बानी 
जब पुछा है नहीं कहते अपने ऐशो आराम की कहानी 
बस गिनने लगते छुटपन के, यौवन के......  अच्छी  नींद, सुकून की शाम और दोस्तों संग गेड़ी मरने की कहानी।

सोचा है क्यों न ऐसा कर जाऊँ न छोड़ना  पड़े दर ,  न भटकना पड़े दर- दर , शहर - शहर,
छोटे शहरों के बंटी , पप्पू और शरद.... वैसे ही शामें  बिताएं रातों की नींद वो अपने घरों में ही पाएं।
बूढ़े माँ बाप की चिंता  उन्हें हर रात  फिर न सताए।।

नहीं चाहिए मर्सिडीज, पोर्शे या डुकाटी अपने लिए तो काफी है मारुती की अफोर्डेबल गाडी,
देखता हु जोड़ता हु ईस्ट मित्रो को बोलता हू आईडिया है दिल में लक्ष्य भी क्लियर है 
फिर न जाने क्यों मैं हिम्मत ढूंढ़ता हू 
फिर सोचता हु स्वयं तो है सबके दिलों में चलो वयम की भावना खोजता हू।

अंकित द्विवेदी 

Friday 19 February 2016

बदल रहा है जग बदल रहे है हम पर इंसानियत के लिए क्या कर रहे है हम 
सोचा है कभी उन बाशिंदों के लिए जिनको भी है हक़ बढ़ने का पड़ने का .... न सिर्फ सहने का गम  

जिन्हे नसीब नहीं रोटी कपडा और  माकन, वो कैसे कहे 'मेरा देश महान' 
सोच तो ये हो की हक़ मिले बराबरी का ,भूखा न सोए एक भी इन्सान 
चैन न ले हम जब तक रहे बाकी एक भी बेईमान 
लूटखोरी जालसाज़ी से नहीं बनता मुल्क ये महान 
प्रन करो की चैन न लोगे,...  वोट भी न दोगे, 
जब तक न हट जाए सफ़ेद कुर्तो से भ्रस्टता  के ये काले निसान  

ज़िंदगी लगा दी देश की अस्मिता को बचने में, उन क्रांतिकारियों की शपथ ले बनते है कुछ लोग महान 
इन्हे क्या पता ज़िंदगी लूटा दी जिन्होंने नहीं था मन में उनके तनिक भी भेदभाव या अभिमान 
चाहते थे देश को दिलाना वो सम्मान जिसके लिए तरसता रह गया इस देश का इतिहास महान 

अभी वक़्त है पर घडी सक्त है बांध लो पेटी  कमर की जाँच लो तहसीर दिल की 
फिर न कहना सोचा नहीं समझा नहीं क्युकी लड़ना नहीं है बहरी क्रूर शाशको से 
  ..... जंग है इस बार देश में  छुपे हुए  गद्दारों से.... 

अंकित द्विवेदी

Saturday 23 January 2016

The Required Revolution
Hi all,

It’s about utter requirement of present fluctuating Indian Socio Economic conditions.

Prima facie it looks good that we are riding on conceptual Lion king of Make in India and various policy measures have been taken in recent past by our government to improve the living status of common man. The point is not what we feel rather it is more important what we could achieve by bringing these changes in our life, will it impact our daily life or this would prove to be just a transition which we are unknowingly considering an enduring impact on our society.  
In the rush towards economic developments and brick & mortar structure we forgot the basics of life. We are living a mechanized life but when it requires maintenance we prefer someone who could treat this by heart and emotions. How is it possible and it’s quite difficult to find someone who could treat us the way we want, as we are all living a mechanized live and each one has its own key to come out of this life the ultimate solution is to get back to the basics.

World’s top economies have churned themselves into the long and successful social revolutions, Chinese Russian and French social revolutions are some of the big examples. What they are today is the result of the successful implementation of social and moral values in the mind of their countrymen.  Why we always forget those who fought and lost everything for a successful and progressive India, their goal was not to create a culture which welcomes destructive and corrupt ideas and where moral values are just part of fifth grade syllabus. It’s quite easy to blame the other person but how many times we have practiced the right thing which might not be in our favor but morally correct, sorry to say but hardly we would find some or may not any, so let’s not waste our time on that.  Every time policy makers talk about economic developments, big policy reforms and financial empowerment of countrymen it romanticize our neurons and we fall in love with those ideas and start technical analysis with various factor analysis but then we forget to discuss the sustainability of idea. We forget the last factor of any value chain, the destination, the most important part is consumer or for simplicity it is a common man, we could discuss and create a series of multiple creative ideas but all will fail if our last factor is not sure what he needs or what he desire in other world if he is confused.

Our economy may be driven by big economic forces, multinational firms, big investment banks and global economic factors but in core there is a consumer. What if our consumer is confused and struggling with various ideas which are invading his mind? He wouldn’t be able to take any decision which is unhealthy for our socio economic environment.
If we go through Indian history we would find that most of the work done by Kabir and Rahim is to bring moral stability in our society, the power to understand the right over wrong, be selfless and think twice before taking an action. We all have gone through the theoretical ideas but never tried them. We don’t have those revolutionary personalities today hence our responsibility is doubled. We must empower an ideological revolution by appreciating a correct idea, analyze its long term effect on our society as a whole rather than short term sweets. We must boycott those political agents who promote appeasement in our society. A social revolution starts with the need of society rather than political desires and hidden motives.  

 A stable and healthy economy is the resultant of healthy mind and morally correct society.  We the young Indians must feel proud for our culture and society; we must discuss the new ideas which could make our country a better place to live. We must discuss these ideas on various platforms, social media could be a part of that, remember a progressive and healthy idea would always be welcomed and the people who are empowered to take decisions would act upon those ideas. Remember the joyous feeling of being correct and respected among others is always greater than ten percent increment in salary. It’s rightly said money can be exchanged for most of the things but…Not everything...

Thanks for reading…..

Sunday 10 January 2016

Hi All,

Ye galat Vo galat kya sab Galat? struggling with same dilemma whether we are right or wrong! From last one week some big enthusiastic people and so called experts and opportunist who only wait to get a chance to speak on television are preaching us, the way our combat operation held was not correct and it should have been handled and executed in better manner. Perfectly right we are tolerant nation so we will tolerate you as well.... excuse me my castle my rule, it's my blog so kindly bear this as well...

If we turn the chapters of our life book we would be glad to see that we have seen a lot in past but might be equally embarrassed that why didn't we learn something. We have seen numerous riots and terrorism activities in various parts of our country. We have heard so many news debates which actually resulted into nothing, but we did. finally a question comes in my mind why do we always come to a single solution and start blaming a specific community for all these incidents? So the answer exist in this body yes! 3000 to 4000 yrs old body which still trying to become human but again be clear about it nothing is perfect so why will we?

basically our body always try to be neutralized as electrons do..let me explain here basic science says an unstable electron stabilize when it gets other electron and make a bond according to bohr's rule which resulted into a new atom... a new idea a new thinking process, so do we. A human brain feels unstable and restless until it gets an answer of the question it has. But what we do? we search an easiest path to get an answer and these experts sitting with same intellect level TV anchor acts as catalyst and finally our brain gets some "cheap and worst" answers and gets stable and we sleep. But in reality incidents  are not the way we think their are other stories some blend with political motivations another blend with individual's ambition. The real story and specifically the  truth hide behind it , being a learned person it is our duty to understand the reality and come with facts and put in front of them whose minds are sleeping after being stabilized.  If we take any incident which has happened in past you will feel the reality is far distant that the facts provided by media and their debates.
I would like to give a fact more interesting thing about human needs loads of fact to prove the reality but our brain easily gets stabilize with false facts and lies. So here I would like to quote some facts about attack on churches in Delhi which have happened prior to Delhi state elections.

During Delhi state elections these stories have been planted, Yes I would say planted. Prima facie a common man would consider it communal act and who else would be blamed other than some Hindu activist who actually do nothing but get blamed for everything. There were six attacks happened during november-december,2015. In those six incident 50% attacks committed by drunken street boys and thieves and in police report it is accepted as non communal act. one case still under investigation and most comic fact is in one of the church where vandalisation case filed actually a window glass was broken during a cricket match played by school students. I don't commit there is no communal act has happened but then before arriving on a solution we must investigate the truth. Having understanding about truth  on one hand improve our intellect and on other hand we could make ourself protect from the guilt feeling after knowing about truth.

Thanks for reading...

Saturday 2 January 2016

Mr. Prabhu!  A Batman...Not sufficient! 
Hi All,

We have always heard about inverse relation between quantity and quality, Indian railway is the live example of this. Having said that it doesn't give the liberty to compromise the safety and services assured to the customers.
Our rail ministry's has always been under scanner due to railways poor operation and services. Indian railway has got the pride of biggest railways network and carry highest nos of passengers per day, but this is the only tag it has. Now a days we keep on listening about the news that Indian rail has found a batman in the form of our Mr. Rail Minister. I suspect this heroic approach of our respected minister and a question rises in my mind the question is quite simple, "How long will he able to help like this?" and "Why not any sustainable model was created till now to fight back the problem we are facing?" Crime against women and lack of minimum services assured to passengers are frequently faced in rail journey. As I mentioned earlier we are talking about the biggest railway network on the earth and this also carries the people who are below poverty line, smart phones having twitter services is far they hardly have money to buy rail ticket. So how to help them? Our approach should be inclusive, rather than concentrating on twitter world. A critical approach is requisite for improvement of system which would ensure the basic services for passengers travelling in general coaches.

A new methodology and revitalization of operation is highly required in railways. Some burning issues are lack of funds, integration with other transport services and lack of transparency. Dependency on foreign investors should be avoided and railways should catch the track towards debt instruments and get benefited of positive atmosphere about India in world market. Recently our dynamic prime minister has signed a bullet deal with Japanese premier but again the project appreciation is under scanner, how many people would prefer this convenience ? Where the cost of per ticket would be equivalent to minimum fare of air service. We should not forget due to lower crude oil prices railways has new competitors as airline companies. To target the transparency issues digitization of services and grievance redressal system should be modified and separate zonal complain officer should be appointed and empowered so that he could take hard decisions if required.  Railways must celebrate festive seasons and holidays rather than considering  this as liability it can only happen when railways would make a sustainable plan for peak timings, it can be predicted right!
Failure of tatkal ticketing  In holiday season is quite obvious and we consider it a part of our system but it can easily be rectified by increasing the numbers of coaches in last hours and convert the waiting into confirm tickets. Which would act as double blade sword at one side it will tear apart the problem of long waiting list which will result into customer delight and on the other side it can stab into the brokers network. I believe problem would be there but we have solution for all of them and here i would like to remind you Mr. Minister you only have 3 years  to work upon the problems.

But I hope Mr. Prabhu will take some fast action as he did in last NDA govt. where he brought lot of reforms in power sector for which everyone still praises him. As I received my PG degree from him so I would like to say one last thing, let's hope His train reaches it's destination as Rajdhani....

ankitblogging: Hi Happy new year..:)Thought of writing someth...

ankitblogging: Hi 

Happy new year..:)

Thought of writing someth...
: Hi  Happy new year..:) Thought of writing something on new year then an idea clicked and here I am writing my first post. Doesn't k...

Happy new year..:)

Thought of writing something on new year then an idea clicked and here I am writing my first post. Doesn't know how to write a blog so just writing what comes first in my mind. When I look back I still recall that was really nice start of 2015. I was having tea on the new year's eve and watching at Macroeconomics book which was also reciprocating the same, but suddenly I thought no, not today. Actually I was quite relaxed about what had happened some days back, I got placed in Cognizant and got my desired profile. Seriously such feelings of relaxation is rare in life but once you get it you must enjoy those moments. 

Don't know what I am going to get this year let's hope it will bring lot of joy and happiness but definitely it will bring more challenges and new hurdles some unknown fact which could be positive or negative. Actually we expect happiness, moment of joy and feeling of relaxation from our life but it's rare as I mentioned earlier. We must pursue the happiness but don't forget it's not life those moments are just part of life a tiny part, rather prefer to accept those challenges which will help you to find the right path for your goal and realise those problems which will make you stronger to face the reality. Having said that doesn't lessen the importance of joy but actually these joyous moments realise us the end of our struggle.     

On the last note once again Happy new year 2016