Saturday 23 January 2016

The Required Revolution
Hi all,

It’s about utter requirement of present fluctuating Indian Socio Economic conditions.

Prima facie it looks good that we are riding on conceptual Lion king of Make in India and various policy measures have been taken in recent past by our government to improve the living status of common man. The point is not what we feel rather it is more important what we could achieve by bringing these changes in our life, will it impact our daily life or this would prove to be just a transition which we are unknowingly considering an enduring impact on our society.  
In the rush towards economic developments and brick & mortar structure we forgot the basics of life. We are living a mechanized life but when it requires maintenance we prefer someone who could treat this by heart and emotions. How is it possible and it’s quite difficult to find someone who could treat us the way we want, as we are all living a mechanized live and each one has its own key to come out of this life the ultimate solution is to get back to the basics.

World’s top economies have churned themselves into the long and successful social revolutions, Chinese Russian and French social revolutions are some of the big examples. What they are today is the result of the successful implementation of social and moral values in the mind of their countrymen.  Why we always forget those who fought and lost everything for a successful and progressive India, their goal was not to create a culture which welcomes destructive and corrupt ideas and where moral values are just part of fifth grade syllabus. It’s quite easy to blame the other person but how many times we have practiced the right thing which might not be in our favor but morally correct, sorry to say but hardly we would find some or may not any, so let’s not waste our time on that.  Every time policy makers talk about economic developments, big policy reforms and financial empowerment of countrymen it romanticize our neurons and we fall in love with those ideas and start technical analysis with various factor analysis but then we forget to discuss the sustainability of idea. We forget the last factor of any value chain, the destination, the most important part is consumer or for simplicity it is a common man, we could discuss and create a series of multiple creative ideas but all will fail if our last factor is not sure what he needs or what he desire in other world if he is confused.

Our economy may be driven by big economic forces, multinational firms, big investment banks and global economic factors but in core there is a consumer. What if our consumer is confused and struggling with various ideas which are invading his mind? He wouldn’t be able to take any decision which is unhealthy for our socio economic environment.
If we go through Indian history we would find that most of the work done by Kabir and Rahim is to bring moral stability in our society, the power to understand the right over wrong, be selfless and think twice before taking an action. We all have gone through the theoretical ideas but never tried them. We don’t have those revolutionary personalities today hence our responsibility is doubled. We must empower an ideological revolution by appreciating a correct idea, analyze its long term effect on our society as a whole rather than short term sweets. We must boycott those political agents who promote appeasement in our society. A social revolution starts with the need of society rather than political desires and hidden motives.  

 A stable and healthy economy is the resultant of healthy mind and morally correct society.  We the young Indians must feel proud for our culture and society; we must discuss the new ideas which could make our country a better place to live. We must discuss these ideas on various platforms, social media could be a part of that, remember a progressive and healthy idea would always be welcomed and the people who are empowered to take decisions would act upon those ideas. Remember the joyous feeling of being correct and respected among others is always greater than ten percent increment in salary. It’s rightly said money can be exchanged for most of the things but…Not everything...

Thanks for reading…..

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