Sunday 10 January 2016

Hi All,

Ye galat Vo galat kya sab Galat? struggling with same dilemma whether we are right or wrong! From last one week some big enthusiastic people and so called experts and opportunist who only wait to get a chance to speak on television are preaching us, the way our combat operation held was not correct and it should have been handled and executed in better manner. Perfectly right we are tolerant nation so we will tolerate you as well.... excuse me my castle my rule, it's my blog so kindly bear this as well...

If we turn the chapters of our life book we would be glad to see that we have seen a lot in past but might be equally embarrassed that why didn't we learn something. We have seen numerous riots and terrorism activities in various parts of our country. We have heard so many news debates which actually resulted into nothing, but we did. finally a question comes in my mind why do we always come to a single solution and start blaming a specific community for all these incidents? So the answer exist in this body yes! 3000 to 4000 yrs old body which still trying to become human but again be clear about it nothing is perfect so why will we?

basically our body always try to be neutralized as electrons do..let me explain here basic science says an unstable electron stabilize when it gets other electron and make a bond according to bohr's rule which resulted into a new atom... a new idea a new thinking process, so do we. A human brain feels unstable and restless until it gets an answer of the question it has. But what we do? we search an easiest path to get an answer and these experts sitting with same intellect level TV anchor acts as catalyst and finally our brain gets some "cheap and worst" answers and gets stable and we sleep. But in reality incidents  are not the way we think their are other stories some blend with political motivations another blend with individual's ambition. The real story and specifically the  truth hide behind it , being a learned person it is our duty to understand the reality and come with facts and put in front of them whose minds are sleeping after being stabilized.  If we take any incident which has happened in past you will feel the reality is far distant that the facts provided by media and their debates.
I would like to give a fact more interesting thing about human needs loads of fact to prove the reality but our brain easily gets stabilize with false facts and lies. So here I would like to quote some facts about attack on churches in Delhi which have happened prior to Delhi state elections.

During Delhi state elections these stories have been planted, Yes I would say planted. Prima facie a common man would consider it communal act and who else would be blamed other than some Hindu activist who actually do nothing but get blamed for everything. There were six attacks happened during november-december,2015. In those six incident 50% attacks committed by drunken street boys and thieves and in police report it is accepted as non communal act. one case still under investigation and most comic fact is in one of the church where vandalisation case filed actually a window glass was broken during a cricket match played by school students. I don't commit there is no communal act has happened but then before arriving on a solution we must investigate the truth. Having understanding about truth  on one hand improve our intellect and on other hand we could make ourself protect from the guilt feeling after knowing about truth.

Thanks for reading...

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