Sunday 18 December 2016

A tale of “Kataar”

Image result for pics of peple holding new  notes

“Hey don’t cross the line stand behind me everyone standing here patiently why are you being impatient?” Stalin said

Ritesh turned back and looked behind everyone was staring at him as if he utters a single word people will not only throw him out of this line but out of this city. He silently came back and adjusted himself behind Stalin. Ritesh was cursing the guy who has stopped him and raised the issue in front of every one. He was depressed, disappointed and feeling embarrassed. He looked around everything looks perfect people were standing patiently, waiting for their turn…he thought to argue with the guy who has stopped him but certainly he resisted himself. “no not him doesn’t look like an Indian he may resist and there could be legal action against him.”

Stalin turned back “Sorry I have shouted at you. Dear! Imagine the scene if everyone does the same. you and I won’t be able to get in the ATM zone. Don’t worry it won’t take much time we will be in the E-Zone within one and half hour.

Ritesh: No problem thanks

Ritesh in frustration muttered “What was the need to experiment with the economy and the life of common man? There was no planning before this demonetization drive. Everyone is suffering. There is chaos among people. who are standing in queues? Only common man is suffering.
It’s my money, my hard-earned money Government has no right to stop me from enjoying my money in any form. He felt relaxed now.

Stalin turned back and smiled” how many people are you seeing, crying here and where is chaos it’s in our mind Brother.

Stalin” Hi this is Stalin I am working for National Geographic in London this is my third time in India.
Ritesh “Oh! Great my self Ritesh I am working for an Infrastructure sector firm as a Sr. Manager. My office is nearby in Connaught Place, New Delhi.  

Stalin: My visits to India have always been challenging last time I came here when people were on the streets and protesting against government’s ignorance on women safety. There was a rape case registered in New Delhi.

Ritesh: yes, it was Nirbhaya rape case.

Stalin: yeah! Next time there was the protest related to some corruption issue. But you know, important is people like to express their self and most important is even if it is against the government they have provided with adequate security to protest. You know that is beauty of democracy, you guys enjoy. You know I have visited twelve odd countries and most of my trips were related to work. But really, I didn’t find a single country where people enjoy such a beautiful form of freedom not even those countries who claim to be paradise of Earth.  

Ritesh: Yeah! Democracy is fine but you see there are lot of poor people. A big section is still marginalized. And over and above these nonsense decisions are making their life miserable.
Stalin: There are only fifty odd people before us, Cheers! You know, before coming to India I was in Japan. I’s very beautiful place and so are Japanese. I was seeking permission to shoot a short documentary on waste management for that, I happened to meet a government officer. We had lunch together and during after lunch walk we were passing through a garbage bin near to office road. I had noticed it was overflow and some of it scattered around it. I thought to take a pic of that bin but officer urged me to wait and he picked up a poly bag and wrapped it on his hand and I was astonished to see he himself collected all waste and dumped into that bin. Meanwhile I took a pic when he was arranging the garbage bin. You know that single 3 MB pic better explains whole waste management film. I have included that as a part of my presentation. 
You know a country becomes what the countrymen really want it to be. No government can function and even implement a single decision without full support of people. After cleaning that garbage bin the officer came back to me with a smile and asked me to take pic now. I have noticed an emotion of satisfaction and sense of relief on his face. It seems as if he was responsible for cleaning of that garbage bin.
Ritesh was quiet and getting the point staling tried to put in front of him.
Stalin: Last time I visited India people were fighting against corruption they were led by an old man who was on hunger strike for a law against corruption.
Ritesh: Yes, he is Annna Hazare a socialist.

Stalin: how can I forget him? I had shoot some videos of that protest for National Geographic. That was the time when people were against corruption and now most of the opposition parties openly supporting corruption by speaking against demonetization. It’s indirect support.
Ritesh: No! they are raising common man’s concern and problems.

Stalin: As you were some time back. When you chose to stand in front, without giving a single thought of the people standing in line.

Stalin: See I don’t want make you feel bad but that’s the truth. Most of the parties who are raising the so called common man concern are they not running their states. Why don’t they go back and correct the situation rather than protesting in Delhi. Which is not even in their jurisdiction. See I know and can see all this politics but you can’t. we are bound of our stereotypes we need t cme out of it to recognize the reality.

Stalin: you know Ritesh, most of these big decisions bring lot of change in present system. Sometimes we don’t see all of them or might not able to recognize the hidden value in them. I f you go through history you would find many countries have fought against corruption not only monetary but also systemic. People of those countries have found their political leaders were indulged into corruption they have fought but they could not remove them and lots of them have sacrificed their life. You guys are lucky your leadership is strong and transparent you no need to fight against corruption they are fighting on behalf of you. In return they need you just to stand in queue for 1-2 hour a week or so.

Ritesh: smiled softly

Stalin: You see Brazilians were on streets against Dilma Rousseff. I have been to Brazil it’s nice place to visit.  I t has lot of potential to grow and have good amount of natural resources but their political leadership is corrupt and people are paying for it.

Your dear neighbor Pakistan “with a smile ‘’ has same problem of corrupt and weak leadership and people are suffering. Don’t you know Mahatma Gandhi fought for non-payment of tax on Salt in a way it was small decision, not to pay tax on salt. But later it became Dandi March only after whole India whole hearty supported it. ‘’I am a big fan of Gandhi’’ Stalin Said.

Stalin: Hey man look at line we are next getting into SBI E- Zone. I have almost helped you to pass your time in this what you say “Kataar’’. Stalin Smiled….

Both entered together in SBI E- Zone. And came out with fresh pink notes in hand.

Stalin: By the way Ritesh, “Pink colour represents universal love of oneself and of others “Good Bye
Ritesh: reciprocated with a smile.

Written By:  Ankit Dwivedi

Sunday 4 December 2016

A day without “CASH”

Everyone discussing demonetization of 1000 and 500 rupee notes. Media as usual got its bread and butter as 60 -70% of their time space is captured by easy news content on demonetization. I am not surprised to see the people’s reaction given the idea is celebrated by each media house and all parties. The opposition had definitely tried their best to oppose the demonetization by raising the people’s concern in and out of parliament and politicize the issue, but they couldn’t dare to openly oppose the bold step taken by the Modi government. Given that the 86% of currency notes have immediately been flushed out of the cash based economy after 1000 and 500 notes have been declared illegal tender on 8th Nov’16, which made significant impact on Indian economy. It would be impartial to say that demonetization would only bring positive results.
We must understand that the roots of this problem mostly persist in unorganized sectors of economy which are driven by cash. I won’t say all business in unorganized sector possess unaccounted money but mostly do have lot of it and that’s the reason they are not willingly shifting towards transparent accounting of day to day cash in and out. Their stringent behavior and habit of earning thick profits are dragging down our tax collections and indirectly per ca pita income. It would not be justified to judge recent announcements from RBI and policy changes done by Government of India and certainly incorrect to say it is inhuman or not populist. If cautiously examine recent incidents we can understand the intentions and long term impact of demonetization. I am seeing this is a baby step towards cash less transaction and shifting our unorganized sector towards organised and promoting cash less business. This movement towards cash less economy will only be successful when all parties speak in a single voice. GOI took good decision when they decided to approve a committee of chief ministers, who will analyse the current scenario and would assist GOI on implementation of further steps to eradicate the cash based system and unaccounted money. Previous governments have narrowed our views and understanding of populist decision. Main opposition Congress believes only on pampering and distributing of money to the poor class which has adversely impacted our economy and pushed inflation into the system.

The success of this decision will not only have financial benefits but also widen our thinking and change the view of political parties towards idea of populist decisions. I am seeing that India is ready to accept any change which brings transparency into the system and irradiate poverty.