Sunday 24 July 2016

Dilemma of Dharm 

Dharma is a word which is most discussed by the people who doesn’t even understand and may not be able to codify it for the well being of common people. The reason is quite simple and clear, their bread and butter are dependent on our ignorance.  Various definitions of Dharma mentioned in Vedas and other Upanishads all leads to one “Dharma is which is indicated by Vedas as conducive to the highest good”. Therefore, Dharma embraces every type of righteous conduct covering every aspect of life essential for the sustenance and welfare of the individual and society. It also includes those rules which guide and enable those who believe in God and heaven to attain Moksha.

Dharma has wider definition and covers all righteous actions that should be conducted by a human being.  Reality of dharma is far away from our imagination it also has hidden relation with karma (deeds). In Mahabharata while being asked about Dharma, Dharmaraj Yudhisthir explained...

“It is most difficult to define Dharma.

Dharma has been explained to be that which helps the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma. The learned Rishis have declared that which sustains is Dharma. “ (Santhi Parva 109-9-11)

We have always been confused Dharma with Religion. Religion word does not even exist in any holy scripture. Religion is derived from Latin word “religo” which means good faith...that’s it. This word is misunderstood by many any... misused by many, when a good faith corrupted an ancient and oldest believe no one knows. If I talk about Hinduism, you believe me it would be impossible to find this word in any holy book.  Religion is western concept and Indian concept doesn’t support the theory of “ism” since long back Indians are practicing Sanatan Dharm.

“Religion is a Western concept; the Indian concept is neither religion nor even Hinduism nor any ‘ism’ — it is Sanatana Dharma, the eternal law of the universe, which cannot be formulated in any rigid and final set of tenets.”— Michel Danino

I see a Hindus are the victim of a bigger conspiracy which took them far away from Sanatan Dharma and they found themselves trapped in the Hinduism which is not fully belongs to them, which is not related to Dharma (A righteous deed). We are confused between Dharma and rituals, we must understand that Dharm is Sanatan but on the other hand rituals can be modified with time. The dilemma is once you misunderstood Dharma and compares it with Religion, it results into garbage how could a constant equate with the variable?

The concept of infinity and multiple ways to reach towards Truth is Sanatan Dharm Hindus have always enjoyed this freedom. Where many other religion talks about monotheistic nature of religion, Hinduism does not fit in neatly into the monotheistic model of religion. The so-called religions of India are not religions but ways of cultivating Dharma They are to recognize Dharma, the underlying Universal Truths, and to build our life and culture around them. Jain, Buddha, Sikh etc. are spiritual lineages, based on the teachings of one or a several enlightened people.

There are many rituals, customs and practices in each Parampara. Some are purely cosmic some are easy, some tougher than other but the path of genuine seeker is toughest and not everyone has courage to walk on that and find truth, most of us are silent followers. Our ancestors (Rishis and Tapasvees) were the seeker and they compiled all their findings in Vedas and other religious holy books. A teacher can share his or her understanding of the truth; and means and ways for others to access this; but there is no underlying belief that only one such way exists. These ideas find clear expression as far back as the Rig Veda, with its famous quotation:

Rig Veda explains “While the truth is one, wise describes it in different ways”

~~~Ankit Dwivedi